Joint Discussion Forum: Post due TUESDAY (4-28) 3 PM; reply to two posts by THURSDAY 3 PM

Stallings Minor _ Reflective Essay # 2

Re: Stallings Minor _ Reflective Essay # 2

by Julia O'Brien -
Number of replies: 0

Gail, thanks for bringing up engaging questions.

In claiming that the biblical prophets are closely tied to kings, you've made a different claim than Collins and most scholars make. They usually contrast the Assyrian prophets who are supportive of kings and the biblical prophets who challenge kings. It is true that Isaiah is in the Temple, but do you read Isaiah as support of Ahaz? What about the other prophets we read? Do they support institutions like kingship? 

What do you think the character of Job learns by God's speeches about the universe? Is Job comforted by this knowledge or simply dumbstruck by God's power?