Theology and Leadership Post

Theology and Leadership

Theology and Leadership

by Michael Byrd -
Number of replies: 4

A quote that has great meaning to me and my theological conviction is from John Wesley, "The best of all is, God is with us." One of the most comforting truths for me is the ever-present reality that God is with us. God’s presence in my life is one of the greatest gifts God has given me. This was the background of the quote and the impact it has made to me as a leader. This is from the journal of John Wesley of the account of John Wesley’s final days and hours. His daughter Betsey Ritchie states,

“…some of those who were most used to hear our dear Father’s dying voice would be able to interpret his meaning; but though he strove to speak we were still unsuccessful: finding we could not understand what he said, he paused a little, and then with all the remaining strength he had, cried out, ‘The best of all is, God is with us”; and then, as if to assert the faithfulness of our promise-keeping Jehovah and comfort the hearts of his weeping friends, lifting up his dying arm in token of victory and raising his feeble voice with a holy triumph not to be xpressed, again repeated the heart-reviving words, “The best of all is, God is with us!” The Journal of John Wesley, ed., Percy Livingstone Parker, (Chicago, IL: Moody Press), 419

  I believe the reality of God’s presence was what he held onto in his final moments. I often think about what gets me through each day with the changes and challenges that come. I believe that the example of the way John Wesley lived and lead to grow small group leaders to continue to make disciples has impacted my life. I believe that God has come to live in us and through us even in the best and worst of times in our lives. God will never leave me nor forsake me. I must lead this way and be real. I must understand that there are going to be bad days and know that God is still there and to share my true feelings and my character is to reflect my belief that, the best of all is, God is with us."


In reply to Michael Byrd

Re: Theology and Leadership

by Charlotte Johnson -

Mike, I can truly say that if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side, I don't know where I would be.  Through the comfort and guidance of His Holy Spirit I have been able to make it through the worst of times, God is with us, whether we realize that we need him or not.

In reply to Michael Byrd

Re: Theology and Leadership

by Beth Eustis -

Mike, you have totally said it, and in the past couple of days, the following song lyrics have been in my head:

Blessed be your name

In the land of the plentiful,

Where your streams of abundance flow,

Blessed be your name.

Blessed be your name,

As I'm found in the desert place,

When I walk through the wilderness,

Blessed be your name.

God is with us in the good times and the bad. God can't shield us from suffering, for we are human, but God is there with us in all of it. This thought has gotten me through the last two days.

In reply to Michael Byrd

Re: Theology and Leadership

by Celso Mesias -

The theologian John Wesley was a powerful and effective preacher. He firmly grounded in sacramental theology, maintained that means of grace were the manner by which God sanctifies and transforms the believer, encouraging people to experience Jesus Christ personally. He was a man driven to serve God.

At critical circumstances sometimes in our human nature it's easy to complain to God that He is not present, and then we can take bad decisions. But the good news is the truth that you said "God is with us", He always is in our side, and His will pleasant and perfect. Helping to build our character in the way to serve and lead better.

Thank you Mike for your encouragement in your post, specially in tough and uncertainty times in our country, and today's world.

In reply to Michael Byrd

Re: Theology and Leadership

by Michael Wilson -


Great quote about what can help us lead in times of discouragement and anxiety.  Trust is a God who is present in every circumstance can lead us to look for God's activity -- even if God's presence is in God's absence in a situation. I think what you are helping us see is that the way through challenging situation isn't through anger or fear -- it is through taking steps of faith into a new future.