Discussion for Week 8

Kearse: Week 8

Kearse: Week 8

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 3

The TED talk was most interesting to me because as soon as the presenter began to speak, I immediately thought about the dianetics video I was watching this morning and the Abraham Hicks video I watched just a few days ago. All of it had to deal with how occurrences in our lives become permanent memories and how to take the negative occurrences, disassociate them form the negativity and store them as positive memories. It also reminded me of a discussion by Dr. Joy DeGruy on cognitive dissonance and the epigenetics with respect to how trauma alters one's DNA. She further discusses the need to heal that trauma and restore the DNA. 

What I enjoyed most about this talk is that it didn't only suggest that we heal but the "how to heal" was explained. The presenter stated that the "neurotransmitters that fire together wire together" and this is essentially how the bad thoughts are eventually taken over and replaced by the good thoughts. The "how" of healing was broken down in very simple and easy to do steps. Abraham Hicks calls it enjoying the good feeling that occurs when you are enjoying a good thought.

I was so happy to have that information because I'm one of those people that needs to know how things work in order to feel like I have a complete understanding. Its one thing to understand that changing your mind can change your circumstance but I feel better knowing that there is a scientific reason for why that is. This video made me happy and immediately increased my vibration. 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Kearse: Week 8

by Elizabeth Shuba -

I too enjoyed the TedTalk.  While I appreciate the power of our own minds to control what we focus on, I don't follow the leap that by tying our good responses to bad feelings we can flip the switch.

In reply to Elizabeth Shuba

Re: Kearse: Week 8

by Deleted user -

It may be worth a try though Shuba. I mean if we try it then we can disprove it or prove it. I don't think its that big a leap. It could be true.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Kearse: Week 8

by Deleted user -

Joslin, to further elaborate on your post, Hanson also explains our current state "negativity bias" as resulting from experiences long ago that now predispose us to hold onto and focus on the negativity.  What if we take the leap as you suggested to Shuba and this technique works?  That would certainly put us in a better position to deal with the world/challenges we face as portrayed by Roxburgh (Missional Map-Making) and the cultural shifts that Bordas (Salsa, Soul, and Spirit) outlines.   Instead of viewing these changes in a negative way, we could view them more positively and lean into them (so to speak) rather than resist them.