Leadership for Your Future

Change in the way I think and live in order to lead

Change in the way I think and live in order to lead

by Charlotte Johnson -
Number of replies: 1

The silence that I often maintain when I should speak is the one thing that I would want to change.  I often find that  a big difference in the outcome of many situations would have been so different if only I had said something, rather then waiting to see what the outcome will be.  The power of one voice can often be the difference in  hostile or uneasy circumstances whether they affect you or a stranger.  I believe a bully will stop being a bully if someone just said no, negative mob mentality would subside if someone just spoke out against it.  The spoken word could cause others to think and act or react differently, if we would just say something.  It is easy to encourage others to speak up, and I always do, but for some reason i hesitate and then later regret my decision to remain silent.

In reply to Charlotte Johnson

Re: Change in the way I think and live in order to lead

by Joseph Michael -

Charlotte, what I hear you saying is that discerning when to speak out is an area that you would like to grow in.  It seems that you feel that you could do this more effectively and that if you did situations could be improved.  You also seem somewhat perplexed as to why you choose to remain silent.