Joint Discussion Forum: Post due TUESDAY (4-28) 3 PM; reply to two posts by THURSDAY 3 PM

KWubbels_Reply to HTeshome

KWubbels_Reply to HTeshome

by Kenneth Wubbels -
Number of replies: 0
Your reflection was truly your own and presented in a direct style with concrete examples.  As was apparent in class, Hosea 1-3 is traumatizing.  Do you think Hosea was traumatized by God’s command?  No indication in the text, but what do you think?  Were you able to move past those first three chapters?  What about 11:3-4 or
chapter 14?  How do they fit with the beginning of the book, or don’t they?  Same God?
I take it you feel better about Proverbs. Human wisdom?
As I remember even there you took exception to at least one passage (13:24).  We all had passages we questioned.  Why is this book in the canon if its authority is subjective?  Just an anthology?  Any thoughts?