I was unaware that denominations view the Decalogue differently. Collins stated that the Jewish community viewed the commandments in two ways: 5 positive and 5 negatives; the Catholic, Anglican and Lutherans segmented the commandments in three areas; and the Reformed tradition grouped the commandments in segments of four and six. [82] Although, to me, he wasn’t clear on how the faith specifically segmented the commandments, I am beginning to realize that communion is not the only area where the faith community disagrees on the biblical intent of an area. This is new to me.
In regards to the Book of the Covenant, I was unaware that enslavement occurred because people could not pay their debts. I was also unfair that prisoners of war were also sold in to slavery and that foreign slaves had to work beyond six years for their freedom. Women, too, were not granted the same time to secure their freedom as men were. The laws then seem to support reasons why we have similar laws of oppression today in our society.
In regard to Leviticus, I was unaware that the priest had the power to determine when a sin was forgiven. Also, the intent of the law was that society would pardon the sin after the burnt offering had been given and the priest forgave the sin. This law today would troublesome to us. First, most of us don't think that a priest or pastor has this kind of power. Also, most in our society don’t easily forgive even after the sinner has repented and has requested forgiveness.