Like many people, I have been given a plaque of the Ten Commandments as a gift that hung in my office reminding all of us of the responsibility that we hold to obey these laws with precision while understanding grace when we fail in our responsibilities. It’s interesting to think of this as a very limited understanding of our faith and that our application of the laws lack the same constructs as we see in the Collins readings. Three examples are offered. In those early years of the Decalogue, the law to worship only YHWH was conducted in the context of a world of many gods. In our world today, we tend to understand this to mean the worship of gods of our own creation be that is the god of money or greed. In the Book of the Covenant, beating a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage was viewed as an abortion. Today that law is mistranslated to prohibit the decision of a woman or man in terminating their pregnancy. The Priestly and Holiness Codes were given to regulate the practice of sacrifice of animals which we don’t typically sacrifice today. Ultimately, the laws as we live them today are useful but a fuller understanding of the codes lead to a deeper faith practice for all of us.