Observing a Meeting post

Meeting Observation

Meeting Observation

by Deleted user -
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From the meeting I observed, I realized that meetings of faith groups can be organized and overseen in the ways we sometimes might wish business meetings were run.  Devotions and prayer, while not appropriate in the secular world, were centering and celebratory in this setting.  I appreciated the calm, intentional demeanor by the Clerk of Session as she oversaw the group.  While clergy are often called upon to lead by default, the Clerk led the group with two pastors in attendance.  For as long as I am in the secular work world, I will think of her approach as a model for non-anxious leadership.

            It was clear that this meeting came about with planning and foresight.  From the fellowship meal to the business conversation, all aspects centered around a set schedule; the Clerk occasionally reminded the group of our commitment to respect each others’ time by staying on task and finishing as scheduled.  I found this to be an excellent way of steering conversation back to the task at hand.  People both wanted to honor the end-time, as well as respect each other.  This is a tool I will use.

            Finally, I was pleased to see the construction professionals in attendance treated as more than vendors.  They were invited to partake in the fellowship meal – and they did!  This was a clear sign of how welcomed they felt by what would ordinarily be “just a customer”.