Upload your communal lament here by Friday at 8 am



by Jennifer Weitzel -
Number of replies: 0

Mothers Lament during COVID-19


We yell to you, Mother God.

We scream your name and pound our fists.

Here us and come running!


We suffocate from unending chores.

We drown in dirty dishes and ant-ridden kitchens.

We trip over the messes of tiny people with full-sized voices.

We ache from picking up undesired toys and separating unnecessary fights.

We are lonely and without our friends. 

We lay in the darkness of our tear-soaked clothes.

End this sorrow and isolation.


Yet, we know you are faithful.

Still, we know you are kind.

Yes, we know you love us as a mother loves her children.

Indeed, we know you are with us.


We ask you to end the social distancing.

We beg you to eradicate the disease.

We plead for you to restore our community.

We demand that you speak up.

We yell for you to hear us.

We scream for you to deliver us all.


We know that you hear us.

Still, we know that you see us.

Yes! We proclaim that you are with us!


We sit in your comforting lap,

Nuzzled close to your bosom,

As our tears saturate your shawl.

We are consoled by your embrace.

Mother God, you are our safe place.