Post on Field Observation Assignment

Kearse: Field Observation

Kearse: Field Observation

by Deleted user -
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Holy Trinity Luther Church, 31 S Duke St.

What does a quick look at the neighborhood tell you about the community surrounding this church?

 The church is in the downtown business district and there are residences to the south of the church. Based on the neighborhood I don’t get a sense of what the community is like or who lives nearby. 


What does the building tell you about the culture of this church?

The church is very old and very well maintained. It seems that those who attend take pride in their church based on its maintenance and upkeep. 


What do the material objects inside the church tell you?

The statues in the vestibule indicate that certain saints or holy men are revered. Based on the attention to detail put into the very ornate pulpit, the craftsmen who built it truly gave special attention to ensuring that everything was well made and perfectly aligned. There is also a large mural of Jesus which is common in many churches. The pews have doors at the end of them which is something I’m not used to seeing. There was very little decoration in the sanctuary. The true beauty was in the structure itself.


Looking at the bulletin (if one is available inside the sanctuary), what do you learn about the symbols, rituals, worldview, tradition, and culture of this church?

There was no bulletin.