Post on Field Observation Assignment

Mike Byrd Field Observation

Mike Byrd Field Observation

by Michael Byrd -
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15-minute Assignment PRIOR TO JANUARY 13, 2017 CLASS

Field Observation in a Congregation

One of the ways we understand the culture and theology of a congregation is by observing its social setting, its building, its artifacts, and its rituals.  This is a very brief introduction to how to start this process.


Visit a church building – preferably one you do not know.  It can be for a worship service or at a time when worship is not held.  Write brief notes to answer the following questions.

What does a quick look at the neighborhood tell you about the community surrounding this church?

The Church I attended was Calvary Church in Souderton Pa. The community is more rural as we approached the church passing many farms along the way. Homes were well spaced apart. We observed an outdoor/indoor produce and flower place just down the road from the church. We also saw several buses with the church logos in the large parking lot dropping people off to worship.  


What does the building tell you about the culture of this church?

The building as we approached the church was red brick and a large white steeple, this seemed to mirror most of the community as most of the homes leading to the church were the same. From the road coming in we thought the building looked somewhat small but as we pulled into the parking lot we observed the added extension of the building go far to the back parking lot. We had no idea this church brought in over 3000 people every weekend. The building blended into the community and was very warm and inviting.


What do the material objects inside the church tell you? As we entered into the building, we saw great signage to direct us in many directions as well as a welcome desk if we had any questions. People were about ten feet away from the door to greet us and ask if they could assist us where to go. We observed kiosk for children check in to information pamphlets for missions, child care, small group’s studies and much more. The material objects seemed to be more contemporary than traditional.  There were pictures on the walls of community and recent events with in the church as well.


Looking at the bulletin (if one is available inside the sanctuary), what do you learn about the symbols, rituals, worldview, tradition, and culture of this church?

Although the church is a big church the bulletin was simple and small. The focus was on worship (Contemporary) no responsive reading, up to date information from what is currently happening in the church. The service order was simple with song/prayer/announcements/offering/message/song/benediction. The church vision was also in the bulletin, to be a multi-generational community continuing what Jesus started by pursuing missionalrelational, and transformational living.

Attachment Calvary Church 2.jpg
Attachment Calvary Church 3.jpg
Attachment Calvary Church.jpg