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Course Description
This introductory level course builds skills for pastoral care across the lifespan of individuals and families. It also presumes an interest in care for communities, culture and social institutions as the collective context within which identities develop and grow. Texts for the course focus on classic and contemporary models/paradigms for care and embedded theologies that inform the work of pastoral care.

Course Objectives
➢ Identify the paradigms for pastoral care that inform students’ pastoral identity and practice
➢ To develop awareness of key pastoral care resources (genograms, and classic/contemporary images of paradigms of care)
➢ To consider the impact of globally oppressive systems like patriarchy (sexism/male supremacy), racism (white supremacy), classism (economic oppression), and homophobia (heteronormativity) on identity and pastoral concerns
➢ To develop a baseline of skills necessary for pastoral care (effective listening, assessment, referrals, self-awareness)

Course Activities
Over the term of the course students will reflect in group conversations and written form on selected readings, and class presentations.

Required Texts
Denominational Statement on Clergy Conduct and Ethics in Ministry
Carrie Doehring. The Practice of Pastoral Care – A Postmodern Approach.
Sheryl Kujawa Holbrook, ed. Injustice and the Care of Souls – Taking Oppression Seriously in Pastoral Care.
Craig Dykstra. Classic Images of Pastoral Care.
*Additional required readings for the course will be posted online for download as PDF files through Moodle. 


Assessment and Course Evaluation Points Due Date
Class Participation 20 Ongoing
#1: Genogram 15 11/9
Mid Term Exam 15 11/30
#2: Verbatim 10 1/11
#3: Pastoral Care in Theory & Practice 20 1/25 - 1/27
#4: Final Integrative Paper 20 2/3

Building Community (counts towards class participation)
Due: 11/4 at the beginning of class
Write one paragraph that includes (DO NOT SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE PARAGRAPH):
• Name, previous/current professional work
• Where you are currently serving in some form of ministry and/or providing care (parish, non-profit organizations, chaplaincy, theological education, etc.)
• In 1-3 sentences identify an image or symbol that you would use to describe yourself and your calling to ministry.
• Identify a particular issue, experience, or theme that draws your attention. Write 1-3 sentences describing it and what draws you to it.

Assignment #1: Genogram (15 points)
Due: 11/9
Students will graph a genogram of your own family OR a family in the Bible. The genogram should include reasonably exhaustive details, with particular attention given to triangles, emotional cutoffs, births, deaths, stressors in relationships, silences, and social/cultural/environmental factors. Draw lines of emotional relationships in colored ink or pencil. You may also use computerized genograms, and upload a copy of it in PDF format to Moodle. Don’t make the graph more complicated than it needs to be. The point is to provide a picture of family/extended familial relationships, and to consider how the emotional nature of these connections influence your (or the primary character in a biblical narrative’s) identity. This can be a difficult exercise for many reasons. Do not wait until the last minute to start this assignment. If you experience challenges along the way, be sure to connect with your support system, including contacting the professor, to receive support to complete the assignment. The venogram should include a narrative, no longer that 3 double spaced pages in length.

Midterm (15 points)
Due date: 11/30
Be prepared to write short answers/essays that bring course readings into conversation with the verbatim in response to questions distributed on the day of the in-class portion of the midterm. A study guide will be provided in advance.

Assignment #2: Verbatim of a pastoral care scenario (10 points)
Due: 1/11
Think about a pastoral care situation and locate that person in the life cycle paradigm. Write a 2page single spaced verbatim of a pastoral care encounter related to this experience. The scenario you write about in this verbatim should have enough content and material that demonstrates effective or ineffective embodied listening (Doehring Chapter 3), and opportunities to consider how someone’s lived theology emerges. This should be a real life experience in which you are providing pastoral care. Do NOT use a situation with a family member. Do not choose an experience that is too personal for you, or that would expose someone’s identity. Instructions for writing a verbatim will be distributed via Moodle or via hardcopy in class.

Assignment #3: Pastoral Care in Theory and Practice – (20 points)
Due in class: 1/25-1/27
A) Lead class analysis of a pastoral care concern
Pastoral care resources:
Life cycle paradigm
Macro and Micro Level Social and Cultural Analysis
Family Systems Theory

The group will develop and present a case study featuring persons of diverse cultural and social backgrounds and experiences. Use the pastoral care resources listed above to lead the class in a pastoral theological reflection that examines an individual or communal concern. Consider the following:
What is this individual or community’s social location, and how does it show up in their pastoral care concern?
What external/social factors are influencing the pastoral concern(s)? How does that impact their internal/external resources, resistance, resilience and/or help-seeking?
Are there any presenting or underlying psychological/emotional themes or practical concerns? Would it be helpful to make a referral, and if so, to whom?

B) Ritual in Practice
Pastoral care resources:
Denominational liturgical resources
E. Law, “Flowers and Songs” (From Injustice and the Care of Souls)
W. Blaine-Wallace, “The Politics of Tears” (From Injustice and the Care of Souls)

This section of the assignment focuses on developing two liturgical and/or ritual responses to the concern presented in the scenario. The response can be corporate in terms of involving the collective community, and/or focused on the individual/others immediately involved.
Response 1: Engage denominational resources to develop a liturgical/ritual response. Make use of things like “worship order for service of reconciliation,” “worship order for dissolution of a marriage,” etc.

Response 2: Engage Law, Blaine-Wallace and other cultural/familial resources to develop a non-traditional liturgy or ritual. Make use of family/community traditions, etc.

Assignment 4: Final Integrative Paper (20 points)
Due: 1/3
Write a 10 page (2 pages per section) integrative research paper presenting a case study of a pastoral encounter, in which you engage course readings and your own research about the pastoral encounter. This research paper should demonstrate your engagement with at least six different sources from the course readings. You may use the same pastoral concern that you initially write about in Assignment #1 or Assignment #3, or you may choose another encounter. You will need to know enough about the scenario to be able to engage and respond to the questions outlined below.

Section 1: Case Study
The paper should begin with a 2 page case study of your that clearly discusses the issue presented for pastoral care in your verbatim from Assignment #2. What do you notice about how social location (race, gender, class, age, sexuality, ability, etc) shows up in this situation. How does social location play a role in the pastoral care concern being examined. Be specific and give examples.

Section 2: Psychological/Practical Concerns
Are there any psychological/emotional dynamics and/or any survival concerns (employment, finances, social services, safety, childcare, etc.,) that warrant a referral? What connections would you need to make in order to offer referrals who can respond to those needs? (Be specific)

Section 3: Theological Concerns and Resources
What spiritual themes/faith challenges do you see in this case study? What are the barriers and what’s helpful?

Section 4: Personal Reflection
Discuss a particular moment when you felt challenged/conflicted in the case study or in your research related to the case study (this is your countertransference). What did your countertransference teach you about yourself?

Section 5: Pastoral Practice
Engage your denominational resources (“worship order for service of reconciliation,” “worship order for dissolution of a marriage,” etc.) to develop a liturgical/ritual response. Engaging Law, Blaine, Wallace and other cultural/familial resources, develop and write about the non-traditional liturgy or ritual that you would offer as pastoral care.

In both the liturgical and non-traditional responses, be sure to write about and discuss the power dynamics to which you would need to be attentive in creating these spaces for healing, growth and care.

All assignments should be submitted electronically through Moodle and in hard copy format
Typed in 12pt font, double spaced, and include a cover page.

All sources (journal articles, essays, quotes, movies, music, etc.) must be appropriately cited according to LTS guidelines. Consult the LTS writing center at Schaff library for citation details. **Wikipedia will not be accepted as a scholarly source.**
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