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MDiv Goals Relevant to this Course:
• To enhance practices of ministry through focused skill development, empowering capable leadership in parish and community contexts.

• To develop a life-long commitment to individual and communal spiritual practices, rooted in faith, hope, love, and justice.

MDiv Outcomes Relevant to this Course:
• Students demonstrate competence in a leadership task in a ministry setting.

• Students and graduates report that they are engaged in prayer, worship, and mission.

How the Course Contributes to Specific Related Goals

This course is focused on the critical role of pastor and lay leaders as teacher/educational mentor that requires unique and perhaps unfamiliar skills in parish and community contexts. The course also invites participants to think about how their leadership addresses ages, stages, and learning capacities across a range of individuals and groups they serve. Finally, the course acquaints those studying for the ministry with how to organize and plan creatively to meet the spiritual formation needs of parishioners across the life span.

Please see Syllabus in Moodle for assignment rubrics and detailed schedule.
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