Post Week 6. due Thurs 8 am; replies not required but welcomed

 Each student is expected to write ONE initial post in this forum, creating your own discussion thread. Your posting should be approximately 250 words and is to address the questions below. The deadline for completing your posting is Thursday at 8:00 AM.

Hit the button at the bottom of this page to add a new discussion topic. When you create your discussion topic/thread, label it YourLastName_Week 6 in the Subject line. Type your posting in the message box. This will allow us to know which thread belongs to which student. Each student will have her or his own discussion topic/thread.

  1. According to Smith-Christopher, how might Ezra-Nehemiah's focus on infrastructure, group identity, and security been the attempt to strengthen a community in crisis?
  2. What strengths and weaknesses does Smith-Christopher see in the reforms of Ezra and Nehemiah? Be sure to talk about both.
  3. What value--if any--do you see in the books for the modern church ?

List of discussions. Showing 11 of 11 discussions
Status Discussion Started by Last post Replies Actions
Picture of Caroline Bashore
Caroline Bashore
Picture of Caroline Bashore
Caroline Bashore
Picture of Calvin Collins
Calvin Collins
Picture of Calvin Collins
Calvin Collins
Picture of Gregg Kohlhepp
Gregg Kohlhepp
Picture of Gregg Kohlhepp
Gregg Kohlhepp
Picture of Mary Merriman
Mary Merriman
Picture of Mary Merriman
Mary Merriman
Picture of Julia O'Brien
Julia O'Brien
Picture of Jennifer Weitzel
Jennifer Weitzel
Picture of Michelle Price
Michelle Price
Picture of Michelle Price
Michelle Price
Picture of Neil D. Reeves
Neil D. Reeves
Picture of Neil D. Reeves
Neil D. Reeves
Picture of Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith
Picture of Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith
Picture of Maxwell Staley
Maxwell Staley
Picture of Maxwell Staley
Maxwell Staley
Picture of Ryan Tobin
Ryan Tobin
Picture of Ryan Tobin
Ryan Tobin
Picture of Jennifer Weitzel
Jennifer Weitzel
Picture of Jennifer Weitzel
Jennifer Weitzel