Learning forums

Week Forum Description Discussions
Week 1 - October 28 Introductions Forum

Please create a thread where you tell us your name, tell us three things you would like us to know about you, and give us one thing that you learned about leadership from watching the "EDS Airplane" video.

Week 2 - November 4 Case Study Week 2 Forum

This week, you are to read the case studies.  Then pick one of them and write a post where you answer the questions asked at the end of the case study.  After that, you need to respond to 2 (two) other posts (minimum) to give your perspective on another student's post.

Forum Instructions

1. Each ...

Week 3 - November 11 Theology and Leadership Post

This forum is in preparation of our conversation about the intersection of theology and leadership on November 11.  It also helps you to begin to prepare for your final paper.

This week -- you are to find and share a theological quote that represents a theological conviction of yours.  After that,...

Week 5 - December 9 Leadership for Your Future

This is the ending of Missional Map-Making:

"When these simply actions of resistance grew in number, like increasing numbers of sound waves interacting with one another, communism's power started to crumble from the inside.

This was the inadvertent formation of a parallel culture Havel described so...

Week 5 Discussion

Talk about it here! 

Create your own discussion, and respond according to your class practices

Week 6 - January 6 Reflections on Money and Leadership
This week, part of our class time will be used to discuss the relationship between money and leadership.  For your post, tell us your earliest memory about money (which can be good, bad, or indifferent).  Then reflect on what is the core message you received about money during your formative ...
Week 7 - January 13 Post on Field Observation Assignment

Attach your Field Observation to your post.  After they are post, I want you to read through 5 (or more of the Field Observations.  See if you seen any commonalities, themes, items that you would want to discuss.  Make notes and bring them to class.

BONUS (for fun):  You can also attach any ...

Week 8 - January 20 Discussion for Week 8
For this week, pick one concept from the articles/video that Dr. Cox-Holmes has had you read/watch.  Describe it in your post and tell us why you find it interesting.  For your two responses, make a connection between that concept presenting and our course readings -- it can be a connection that ...
Week 9 - January 27 Observing a Meeting post

This week, you are to upload an electronic copy of your "Observing A Meeting" project.  Then write a post to accompany it (250 words) that reflects on what you need to learn about leading meetings (based on your observations of the meeting you attended.  Another way to put this is - answer the ...

Week 10 - February 3 What have you learned?

For your final post, I want you to identify two quotes from your readings that have helped you grow as a leader.  Share both of those quotes (with citations) and why you picked each of them.  You also are to respond to two posts by noting what you see in the quotations shared by the original ...